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The Data Drop | Episode Four

Successful strategies to retain club memberships and boost club signups ft. Trefethen and Signor Vineyards

Wednesday, November 8, 10:00 am PT

Join us for our upcoming episode of The Data Drop “Successful strategies to retain club memberships and boost club signups,"  featuring Tiffany Kenny, VP, Marketing and Consumer Sales at Trefethen, and Kristin Fry Walker, Tasting Room & Wine Club Manager at Signor Vineyards. 

Currently, 2/3 wineries have seen their club membership go down in 2023 - In fact, on average, the number of club sign ups are down 13% YTD. During this 45 minute discussion, you will hear from these two wineries and how they've been able to successfully drive more signups, and increase their overall memberships since the beginning of the year despite the decline seen across the industry. 

Hear from successful wineries:

+ Effective and proven techniques to keep your members engaged and satisfied
+ Creative and innovative approaches to increase wine club signups
+ Top challenges faced and how to overcome them
+ The critical role data plays in understanding wine club performance and how to drive success

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WinePulse is a DTC reporting solution with 80+ analytics reports to automatically track tasting rooms, clubs, web, email, inventory and finance metrics, and analyze customer purchases pattern. Join the network of 200+ wineries using WinePulse daily.