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Chat with Peers

Mastering Your Winery POS Migration
with Ponzi Vineyards

Wednesday, June 26, 11:00 am PT

Is your winery's POS system holding you back?  Upgrading your Point-of-Sale system can feel daunting, but it can also unlock a world of efficiency and growth.  Join us for this informative webinar and learn how to navigate a successful POS migration. In this session, Abagail Clark, Wine Club Manager from Ponzi Vineyards, will share her insights from their recent migration from WineDirect to Commerce7, best practices, practical tips, and answer questions from the audience.

Chat with Peers, hosted by WinePulse is a monthly online forum designed to foster collaboration across the DTC community. Connect with fellow wineries, share innovative ideas, and exchange strategies as we delve into the latest industry trends and topics in this interactive session.

Join us monthly. Connect, share, and engage with your peers.

This interactive session will equip you with actionable insights on how to:

  • Discover Key Factors: Learn what prompts wineries to switch POS systems and how to choose the right one.
  • Hear Transition Tales: Get insider knowledge on managing the changeover process and efficiently training your staff to ensure a smooth transition.
  • Explore Integration and Impact: Understand how new POS systems integrate with your existing technology and how they can impact your overall business operations.
  • Get Advice from the Field: Hear actionable tips and valuable lessons learned from other wineries. 
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About WinePulse

WinePulse is the leading DTC analytics platform for wineries. Composed of WinePulse Analytics, a DTC reporting solution, and ChatDTC, a cutting-edge AI-powered assistant to analyze POS data. WinePulse helps hundreds of wineries unlock insights from their data and delivers clear, actionable results to drive sales, increase engagement, and make better-informed business decisions.